
sábado, 9 de abril de 2011

Novas Imagens de "Spider-Man: Edge of Time"

Abaixo há novas imagens do novo game do Homem-Aranha:

Screenshot of Spider-Man 2099 from Spider-Man: Edge of Time

Screenshot of Spider-Man 2099 from Spider-Man: Edge of Time exclusive screenshot of the Amazing Spider-Man from Spider-Man: Edge of Time

Screenshot of the Amazing Spider-Man from Spider-Man: Edge of Time

Screenshot of the Amazing Spider-Man from Spider-Man: Edge of Time

Screenshot of Spider-Man 2099 from Spider-Man: Edge of Time

Screenshot of the Amazing Spider-Man from Spider-Man: Edge of Time

Screenshot of the Amazing Spider-Man from Spider-Man: Edge of Time

Screenshot of the Amazing Spider-Man from Spider-Man: Edge of Time

File:Spider-Man Edge of Time.jpg

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